Mothers Forever

What does being a mother mean? This Mother’s Day I have a new perspective: I’ve become a great grandmother.My granddaughter Christina is a brand new mommy to sweet Samantha, my daughter Denise, an adoring grandmother…
In this life-affirming time, I asked my students to describe their mothers. They did so with joy, nostalgia and great passion.

I’m just like my mother. She is thin with straight short black hair. My mother is a person who loves to cook for her family. She always looks nice, she likes to dress well. She is always behind me, to see how I am. She is a lovely person who spent most of her time with the love of her life, her parents.

My grandmother who is 88 years old, raised nine kids. Both of them (my mother and my grandmother) are the most important persons of my life.  Because of them I am the person I am right now. I just hope one day, I can be like them. Ines

To My Mom: I began to know love with you. You gave me the first food of your breast.The first sound that I heard was your heart sound. The first smile I looked from you. I remember when I was sick at midnight, when I opened my eyes with fever, I saw your kind eyes worried for me. You tried to have a smile and I remember after that I slept very soon. When I review my life, I see your presence every moment in my life and now continues to my whole family. I learned from you how  to love everybody and give to everybody.I live with you every moment.Thank you for everything. Navid

Her name is Tania. She was born during a bad time in Brazil called dictadura.That’s why when she was 13 my grandmother and her two daughters moved to Uruguay and lived there for 8 years. After that she went back to Brazil and met my father when she was 21. Three years later they got married and they’re still together today for 23 years. Everybody says that I look like her. I feel very pleased because I think she is beautiful. She is everything for me. I will die for her if I have a chance to save her from something.
I love her. Thamires

To My Mother
She was and she will be my shield
in my sadness,
in my loneliness.
When I feel in the dark,
she brightens the darkness.
We’re walking side by side,
she is my guide.
When I feel lost,
she gives me strength
in my weakness.
She puts a smile in my lips
even when my heart is crying.
She puts love in my heart
when I feel hatred.
She is pure love.
She is my love.
She is my mother. Felix

I can remember my mother when I was a child, she used to celebrate my birthdays every year. She was always busy doing something at home even though she had to work in a hospital. She always had time for me, patient and sweet with tenderness in her heart. She always wanted the best for me and she advised me how to be a good son and deal with my future life. She taught me how to be a good student…She is the best mother in the world. Hermogenes
