May I speak? again?

Who isn’t an immigrant? This is a good viewpoint for Americans to hear. All of our ancestors moved to America from other countries a long time ago. Kazuko They (Americans) don’t know their descendency. They think because they were born in the USA, it makes them Americans. Yes, it does, but they don’t have any relationship with native people who are […]

May I speak?

“May I speak? I’ve got to say something! All the people here are hard workers and you just tell us that our situation is changing. But we are still in the same condition. We don’t want more lies and long speeches. We want better money and better conditions in our jobs. We have rights and we are going […]

Mothers Forever

What does being a mother mean? This Mother’s Day I have a new perspective: I’ve become a great grandmother.My granddaughter Christina is a brand new mommy to sweet Samantha, my daughter Denise, an adoring grandmother… In this life-affirming time, I asked my students to describe their mothers. They did so with joy, nostalgia and great passion. I’m just like […]

The best of our writing workshop Part II

Go beyond ordinary ways of thinking and doing: Each day in our lives is a lesson. I want to benefit from everything I’m doing now through hard work, study,enjoying my life and my family. Each day is a new day where you can add new things. When this day is gone, it never will be back; each day […]