We Are All Immigrants – Lessons with Final Review Quiz

The Teaching Unit for this course can be downloaded as a PDF file in the “Attachments” window. Upon course completion, you can take a Final Review Quiz, by clicking the “Take the Quiz” button. (You must subscribe to this course in order to take the quiz.)

1. E Pluribus Unum – History of Immigration 1650-today

2. We are all Strangers in a Strange Land – original essay Family mementoes

3. Statue of Liberty – Symbol of freedom & hope

  • The New Colossus – Emma Lazarus
  • Student Interpretations through poetry

4. Brief History of Naturalization & Immigration Laws

5. Immigrants’ Stories from the past

  • Chinese detainees’ poetry in San Francisco
  • Early 20th century immigrant experiences
  • The early 20th century Italian immigrant

6. Internal migration

  • Native American – Sioux children “Americanized”
  • African American – paintings of Jacob Lawrence

7. 21st century Immigration – ESL student/Senior workshop project

  • Stories of ESL students
  • Stories of Seniors in the community who will never forget
  • Political cartoons and editorials
  • U.S. Immigration policy: What will/should the future hold?

8. Final project: How to facilitate a community project for ESL students and seniors who remember their own or their parents immigrant experiences.

9. Words, Words. Words. Unit Six Vocabulary List.

  • Sentence building
  • Word Structure: Prefixes, Roots, Suffixes 
